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Monday, November 29, 2010

A Freelance Writer

I get used to write some stories nowadays. I don't know why but there's something here in my brain that leads me to type 'em all.

So let's start from my first novelette titled "Supernatural - The Residence" which tells about the three hikers who got lost in the forest and soon found an old Dutch-style house. The three hikers got welcomed by the hosts, an old woman and her teenager daughter. And there the hikers found something strange and wrong in the house, like words appearing in the mirror, until the appearance of a little boy named Klaus. Soon, Klaus shew what had happened exactly. The situation got worse when one of the hikers was trapped and tortured unmercifully by a cruel boy named William. And at the final, those hikers found out that Klaus and William had been killed in a riot tens years ago. So what would happen to those three hikers then?

My second novelette is titled "Supernatural - Are You Smarter Than a 4th Grader", tells about a 4th grade student named Dimitri who lived in a large luxurious house with his elder brother, Alvin and his father. Alvin and Dimi's father was such a perfectionist person who wanted everything to be perfect and go on his way exactly. Dimi was miserably sick and forced to study much much harder in preparation for his end-semester exam. The pressures came also from his two classmates, Liu who used to make fun of him and Sophie who hated him for all the achievement he'd got. And at the first exam day, Dimi went to school and he was extremely sick. His teacher and friends strictly suggested him to end the exam and went home for rest, but he refused it. And finally he finished his exam and unfortunately he died after he finished it. Dimi's soul was never in peace then. He started haunting his friends, one by one. The murder cases related to some of his friends started rising. Alvin soon found out that his brother had made those cases and he got to stop the act before Dimi killed more people.

The third is "Supernatural - Grandfather Clock", tells about a magical grandfather clock which takes people travel through the time. A young girl named Cindy was brought to the past after she set the time. There, she met a boy named Tristan and then started falling in love with him. Fortunately, Tristan had the same feelings. Both of the youngsters spent their time together. Until one day, Cindy decided to go back to her time and Tristan was so sad. Cindy then found out that something had happened. She needed Tristan for help but when she tried to go back to Tristan, the clock didn't work. She asked her friends for help and by a help from a woman named Renata, she found the address where Tristan had lived in exactly. So could Cindy meet Tristan again?

And now I'm working on the 4th which would be the next story of Grandfather Clock. This would take a little longer time than time I took when working on Grandfather Clock. Well I'm happy of being such a freelance writer and happily publish it to my friends. Some of them have read one and even all three stories and give me nice feedbacks. So thanks for my friends or anyone who have read my stories and keep giving me feedbacks for improvement :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Klaus Ke Dokter Gigi (Part 2)

Hari Sabtu ini saya terpaksa gak ikut kelas tambahan di sekolah (hiks hiks) padahal udah mau ujian. Sialnya, kenapa masih diadakan ujian nasional? Katanya bakalan dihapuskan? Nantinya tau-tau angkatan berikutnya yang kebagian ujian nasional dihapuskan! Dan sering banget angkatan saya ini jadi percobaan (huh!).

Kembali ke topik. Setelah ijin dengan alasan ke dokter gigi, akhirnya Sabtu pagi itu saya terpaksa bangun pagi setelah semaleman insomnia (Ya Tuhan, aku ora iso turu!). Setelah mandi dan berbenah diri, akhirnya saya dianter lagi ke tempat praktek dokter Tono. Sampe disana, langsung aja saya kasihin berkas foto scan rahang saya kemaren.

  "Hmm, coba kita bikin cetakannya dulu ya!", kata dokter Tono sambil ngeloyor pergi.

Pas kembali, beliau bawa semacam cetakan apalah. Terus di cetakan itu dikasih semacam semen warna pink. Tapi pas kecium baunya kayak pasta gigi cuman gak ada rasanya. Gigi bawah sama atas saya dicetak. Pas mencetak gigi itu rasanya aneh banget. Gigi jadi kaku-kaku gitu.

  "Cetakannya udah jadi. Nah nanti ini kayaknya perlu ada satu gigi yang dicabut ya, supaya jumlah gigi atas sama bawahnya sama", kata dokter Tono ramah banget.


Kesedihan belum selese sampe disana ternyata. Soalnya kata dokter, gigi saya terlalu rapat. Jadi harus dikasih semacam plastik di celah-celah giginya.

  "Pake dulu plastik ini ya. Supaya ada celah cukup untuk nanti dibehel. Jadi waktu nanti dibehel akan lebih mudah", katanya.

Semoga aja 'spasi'nya nggak gede-gede banget.

Pulangnya sih saya gak dapet begitu banyak masalah. Pas ngaca di kaca spion, gigi saya ada biru-birunya. Hahahaha lucu keliatannya. Pas makan siang juga gak ada masalah berarti. Tapi menjelang sore dan pas lagi beli DVD, barulah kerasa gigi saya ngilu-ngilu. Dan sampe sekarang masih ngilu. Haduh, tidaaaak..

Klaus Ke Dokter Gigi (Part 1)

Sore itu pas pulang sekolah, saya dikagetin dengan kata-kata bunda sama papa di ruang keluarga. Baru nyampe bukannya biarin dulu saya tenang, duduk, dan selonjoran eh langsung diajak ngomong.

  "Dek, besok jam 1 dijemput ya dari sekolah", kata bunda.
  "Ada apaan emangnya? Ada acara keluarga?"
  "Bukan. Besok kamu ke dokter gigi ya!"
  "Dokter gigi? Wew...", jarang-jarang bunda nyuruh saya ke dokter gigi.
  "Kamu nanti di-behel ya!"

Asa diulangtaunkeun..

Langsung aja deh ke ceritanya. Jadi beneran pas Rabu siang itu saya dijemput dari sekolah. Uwee Kijang Innova warna krem metalik udah nangkring di tempat parkir sekolah. Langsung aja saya lari ke mobil dan tanpa basa-basi keluar dari sekolah (dan lupa ngasihin kertas ijin keluar ke satpam). Teruslah kita berangkat ke tempat dokter gigi itu. Ternyata dokternya praktek di rumahnya. Namanya dokter Tono (bukan si Tono yang di sekolah tapinya). Orangnya baik, mirip opa (hiks hiks). Sampe disana, saya udah langsung aja disuruh duduk di kursi pasien itu terus diperiksa giginya.

Deg, deg, duar! Makasih ya Tuhan saya gak perlu dicabut gigi :D soalnya kata dokter Tono, gigi saya bisa langsung di-behel dengan susunan yang kayak gini walopun katanya saya kurang satu gigi seri di bagian gigi atas. Tapi sebelum dibehel, saya harus di-scan dulu.

Sampe di tempat scan, saya langsung daftar dan antreannya cuman saya aja (yiha!) otomatis bisa langsung di-scan tanpa nungguin pasien yang laen. And guess what, petugas yang mau memindai rahang saya itu mukanya mirip sama Ko Nyoman! Lagi dan lagi, saya nemu orang yang mukanya mirip Ko Nyoman. Akhirnya setelah di-scan, saya dapetin hasilnya. Ternyata semua orang kalo di-scan fotonya sama ya, tengkoraknya ato tulang-tulangnya :( kenapa pas di-scan hasilnya nggak apa gitu misalnya ganti muka ato apa (ngayal)..

Dear, Mr.Shameless

I want my stuffs back. I don't have anything yours anymore, but you have mine. Give it back to me!

Why Stepped Back

Replying a friend's question to me: "I think that you guys are walking away from us. We're not as close as we were before. I feel not comfort in this situation, so what should be done?"

So this is the reason:

  • Remember back when you finally chose to take part in a relationship with my elder brother. I'm not walking away from you. You guys are walking away from us, instead. You'll have your time with him, just with him. So that's your choice and I don't want to intrude.
  • I was fed up for the problems among the five of us. Each of us had different problem involving one among us. 'She' (hope you understand what 'she' refers to) won't be good to my eldest brother anymore. You have been in a relationship with my second elder brother. I'm in a cold-war with my third elder brother and my third elder-brother is supported by the eldest. The second elder-brother spends more time with you than me. I was fed up. It was enough.
  • Don't call it as family anymore. It's ruined at all.
  • I can spend my time for you guys. But unlike me, you guys don't have time for me.
Is it enough?