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Sunday, December 15, 2013

December 2013, The Hated One

What could I say here? I guess the title is obvious enough to tell what happens with me and this cursed 2013 December. Well as for me, this December is cursed. At first, I thought that this December would be great. I thought of having fun with my friends on Christmas day. But it was just my thought and it would not come to reality. This December is, really, cursed. 

I could not tell what really happens with me but you might have depiction of what happens with me. You feel like there is one month which is cursed and there's so much pressure for the whole month and you feel suffocated, slowly dying painfully. No, I'm not talking about committing suicide. But you know how it feels, right, to have pressure choked you--probably to death. I'm not talking about my assignments either. Here, there's something breaking inside of me and I wonder how to mend it. Would it be mended?