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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Secret : Lun & Yi

I love remembering this movie. A romantic and dramatic love story of young couple in where each person comes from different time but same place. A Time Traveling song is such a time machine that brings Lun to Yi, or Yi to Lun. It's simply magic.

And the tragic final

不能说的秘密 (read: Secret That Cannot Be Told)

CSS and HTML Code Drive Me Crazee!

Bukan sebuah hal yang begitu menyenangkan sebenernya buat Kazu ketika harus berurusan sama kedua kode di atas. CSS dan HTML. Entah dengan blog atau apapun, kalo udah ngurusin kode-kode di atas kayanya Kazu perlu pake binokular buat neliti setiap baris kode-kodenya (every little bit mistake causes great failure). Inilah yang menyebalkan!

Bosen dengan background blog yang itu-itu aja, Kazu coba pake custom background dari Kazu sendiri. Dengan bermodal Imageshack, Kazu tinggal upload file gambarnya dan dapetin kodenya. Setelah dapet kodenya, Kazu ikutin petunjuk yang ada di FAQ Blogger berkaitan dengan topik Custom CSS. Setelah baca step-by-stepnya, akhirnya Kazu tinggal copy-paste kode CSS kaya yang disuruh sama si bapake itu. Eh, waktu dicobain malahan ngga ngaruh! Ah shit, kepaksa Kazu pake cara yang lebih manual dan rujit, yaitu dengan ngulik sendiri HTML Code lewat sub-tab "Edit HTML".

Setelah dapetin satu paragraf berisi kode-kode yang ada hubungannya sama background, akhirnya Kazu dapetin area buat dimanipulasi. Setelah ketik ini itu dan ngeblok-hapus beberapa hama wereng ga penting, akhirnya Kazu klik 'Preview' buat ngeliat hasil akhirnya. Tapi bukannya berhasil, malahan si Blogger bilang Kazu harus benerin lagi beberapa bagian! Damn, akhirnya benerin lagi sana sini dan yang kedua kali ini berhasil. Tapi si background itu ngga fixed alias ngikutin setiap kita nge-scroll ke bawah. Kazu ulik-ulik lagi dan hasilnya tetep sama.

Udah mulai frustasi (dan juga laper), akhirnya Kazu buka lagi Template Designer dan coba lagi lewat Custom CSS. Setelah dicoba lagi berkali-kali, dan kali ini gagal lagi!! Langsung Kazu close aja dan bener-bener males buat ngeditnya lagi.

Oh blog, go-blog, kenapa susah-susah banget buat dieditnya!!

I'm Fed Up For This Bitchy Internet Connection That I Cannot Keep Myself To Not Punching That Fucking Modem!

This was really really annoying and I was fed up for that stupid bitchy fucking internet connection! I must had been tired for this one! So, the story was started when I had an insomnia on Tuesday morning, 3 AM. I watched MTV World Stage VMAJ 2010 on TV. I enjoyed the concert and then I got bored caused by those stupid commercial breaks, played repeatedly in same sequence. So I brought my Tablet PC downstairs and went online. Nothing was bad at first until I found out that the 'Act' indicator on modem blinked three times and then went off. I turned off the modem and returned it on. Then it worked normally again. I plugged the cable into my Tablet and started browsing. The craziness hadn't stopped yet there. It loaded homepage longer than usual. I thought and it should had loaded Google in 2 or 3 seconds. But it loaded Google on 15 seconds, excluding the pictures. What the hell was..

I opened a new tab and typed Facebook on address bar. What the hell! Again it loaded longer than usual! I finally logged into my account. But, it sounded stupid I clicked refresh button for a couple times to reload my page! I couldn't reply my wall posts easily. At least I had to refresh the page so I could reply it succesfully. I grumbled in silent. Then I logged into my blog and it loaded very extreme slowly! I could stand it anymore. I turned off the modem and returned it on! I fought again with the connection and found out the battery had only 35% power remaining. I raced with time while the tab loading bitchily slow. I couldn't even post something new for my blog and checked my Social City. I hoped the contracts hadn't been expired yet. I got mad and really really mad. I couldn't punch the modem or the noise would wake people up. I hated to say it but I swallowed my anger back to my stomach. Bitch!!

I hadn't finished replying my wall posts when I heard someone walked towards me. I cursed the connection and closed my Tablet. I turned off the modem and the lights so the room became so dark. I was so panic and I forgot to unplug the internet cable so when I took my Tablet, something absurd happened. I unplugged the cable rudely and threw it to the floor. I ran upstairs and grumbled in silent.

Still had several wall posts to be replied. How could I trust that fucking internet connection?!

And now, again it happens! The speed goes slower and slower and sometimes I need to refresh the page to show a whole page! Even my downloads are failed and I have to re-download all those shits! Raaawwwrrr!!!

C'mon! I cannot stand it anymore! Make it better! ISPs should do better and enhance the quality, and I'm fed up for those stupid advertisement!