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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mungkin Hanya Kerupuk Tapi Perjalanannya Jangan Diabaikan

Baru aja Kazu jalan ke ruang makan dan menemukan toples besar di atas meja makan. Siapa yang taro? Si kakak kerajinan masukkin makanan ke dalam toples, atau bunda, atau siapa? Si mbak? Atau satpam Duta? Ah tak mungkin, para satpam sedang jagain portal pastinya sambil ngopi. Setelah diintip ternyata isi toplesnya itu kerupuk! Tau kan, kerupuk yang selalu jadi objek mahakarya anak TK Cahaya Kehidupan? Itu lah..

Sambil ketawa ringan, Kazu inget waktu bunda cerita tentang kerupuk itu dan perjuangannya. Sebenernya sih perjuangannya ngga begitu susah karena dapetnya juga ga sesusah ngeluarin kepala yang ga sengaja masuk ke stupa candi Borobudur (it simply reminds me to a case occurred several days ago). Tapi perjalanan yang ditempuh si kerupuk itu ternyata melanglangbuana persis nama jalan di kota Kuningan, Jalan Lang Lang Buana tempat tinggal temen Kazu si Alan.

Jadi ceritanya gini, karena di Duta tuh jarang banget tukang kerupuk lewat bahkan ngga ada (kalau di rumah di jalan Pasantren dulu tukang kerupuk sama tukang sayur tuh balapan cepet sampe rumah: buat ngadem di bawah pohon nangka!). Nah, tukang sayur aja yang palingan lewat walopun memang sayur-sayuran juga bunda beli dari supermarket macam Carrefour, Yogya, Griya, atau Borma, atau Metro (sayurannya baju *halah*). Akhirnya, tau tak bunda dapetin itu kerupuk dari mana? Jadi ceritanya papa juga kelola yayasan yang tempatnya di daerah Gerlong Girang (bukan tante girang ya :P), dan si bunda tuh justru beli dari tukang kerupuk yang lewat ke depan itu yayasan! So far, wasn't it?! Dan setelah beli itu kerupuk, pake acara di tinggalin di yayasan dulu. Terus masuk tas bunda ikut pergi ke Cimahi Mall (ngapain coba?), ikut juga pergi ke Yogya Cimahi, ikut macet di jalan, dan curiga ikut balik lagi ke jalan Setiabudhi buat ke Borma Setiabudhi. Dan selama itu juga, itu kerupuk satu sachet (baca: plastik) rileks aja ngangon di dalem tas bunda. Sampe akhirnya sampe rumah dan alas Kazu lagi ga ada di rumah sampe ga kebagian itu kerupuk.

Tadi pagi, bunda dateng habis pergi sama papa dan bawa Kazu oleh-oleh. Tau tidak apa? Kerupuk putih! Sempet kaget tapi terus ketawa karena bingung, baru kali ini ada yang ngasih oleh-oleh kerupuk.

Emang sih cuman kerupuk, tapi kalo diliat dari perjalanannya ga bisa dianggap enteng. Belum lagi perjuangannya buat dapetin itu makhluk blonde keriting. Rumah dimana, beli dimana. At last, thanks ya bunda. Besok-besok Kazu pengen kerupuk tempe, beliin dong..

You're Falling And No Matter How Thick The Cummulonimbus You're Just About Hitting The Ground So Hard That You Can Crash

Have played Mortal Kombat before? Say that you're about beating up your opponent and you almost do that. Remember any 'last words' like "Finish Him!" on this game? Then seems like your opponent won't have any chances to get up and hit back that he will die as soon as you kick him or throw him into a big grinder.

Have you ever watched Tekken 3 on the movie? Jin Kazama was on a fight with his 'real' father (even though his father didn't consider Kazama as his son). Kazama was hit repeatedly and yeah he was so much in pain (don't ask about that). His father was about killing him in several seconds, and Kazama laid on the floor powerlessly. But guess what, he got up and hit his father back. Kazama was still alive! What made him so strong that he could beat his father? 

Faith and Hope

I remember a story told by my teacher about a black bat living on a tree in a village. It's told that there was a house of a family who had a huge tree in their front yard. And there was a bat living on that tree. People living in that village believed that bats shouldn't be around them because they would bring calamities for their life. Someday, the house owner found the bat sleep-hanging on a branch that afternoon. He was scared and asked for people's help to cast the bat out. Then, a large number of people suddenly came to his house yard and tried everything to harass the bat's peaceful dream. A stone, two stones, three stones, finally a stone hit the bat and the bat fell down to the ground. The bat was harassed and defended himself by covering his body with both of his wings. He tried to run away from the shots. Then, a man brought his rifle to shoot the bat to death. He shot the bat and then the bat looked extremely miserable. He kept trying to fly and run but people kept hitting and shooting him. The bat must had tried to fly although his wings were hurt that finally the bat died.

A wisdom I got from the story that I still remember until today, and make it as my guide whenever I feel so down. Believe that whenever you're trapped or cornered and you presume that you won't have any chances to get up, solve the problem and trash it out, you still have a power in yourself to get up. I see how miserable the bat was but he kept trying and trying to run away and fly. We will never know the result, but we still have a power even just a little to stand up and face it. I'd been so depressed before that I couldn't think and kept mourning, but soon I realized that I had a little power to reach a shining ray that would help me out from the bad dream.

You're falling from the seventh sky, you're about hitting the ground that you predict yourself to death. You have nothing to think but die and you have nothing to do because you know that you'll pass away in several minutes. But hey, who knows.. There's someone who has put a big mattress down there so when you're about 5 meters from the ground, you're just about falling on that comfy mattress.

Miracle is true, buddies!