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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wish I Can Help Uncle 'Big Joe'

He used to pick me up after school, and what's the most interesting point? Hell yeah, cycling together! Setra Duta is huge enough to be discovered. Honestly, I have been lost there once. I should have chosen the right way but then I found myself looking for my home at Setra Duta Dago street. He is a great cyclist I ever meet, even he signed for the competition several days ago. Sometimes he visits my house and plays the piano. Well, he doesn't play as hard as me but he simply plays it well. He sometimes takes me to his house and I'll play his piano there or chat with Oling, great sister with outstanding ability of listening. She just listens to a song and then replays the song on the piano like Nodame!

Uncle Big, that's the way I used to call him. Although I suppose I have to call him with his name, Uncle Ivan. He looks like a Big Joe on the story I've ever heard before. He's regarded to be a strong person and invulnerable. His appearance simply describes him in particular (physically). But who knows, he secretly cried when we together were watching 'Hearty Paws'. Uncle Big must have had a lot of experiences and I'm so proud of having an uncle like him. He mustn't be as old as dad. His age is simply in my age actually, but still elder than me. I didn't use to enjoy being together with him when I was 13 because seeing his appearance made me basically afraid. But soon I realized that he is a great uncle. Uncle Big is such a gorgeous adventurer and also challenger. He likes challenges and adventures (sort of 'outdoor' person), unlike me who loves to basically stay home and sit then play my piano.

We were in the way home when I told him about my feelings of my new class. It seemed to be better than my class before where everything seems to go slightly better and better. But unlike me, Uncle Big seemed to see a trouble on his workplace. After I finished my story, I asked him about his workplace situation. I could feel the absurd and hectic atmosphere of his workplace, clearly written on the way he spoke. I couldn't see his face, covered with a full-face helmet. He was crying or not, I wasn't really sure about that. He sounded to be so depressed and tired with the human beings on his workplace. I might have given him a cup of coffee but I didn't give it. He used to refuse it and buy it by himself.

Came home and I opened the door for him. But he didn't come in. He stayed outside and the went somewhere. Then I could see his depression on his face. I guessed I just imagined the situation on his workplace and wondered if I could change it. Uncle Big didn't deserve for that. He deserved for better workplace where he could work better and feel better in the cozy atmosphere. His relations might have treated him in (a bit) bad manner because I had seen them treated him like that before. He seemed to be so stiff but soon I knew what had he felt.

Uncle 'Big Joe' has helped me out of my troubles and he is such a helpful person. Daddy should be proud of having brother like him. Daddy is far away from me and I think Uncle Big Joe is here for me (although Daddy is irreplaceable but I can see Daddy on Uncle Big Joe). I have to help him back to pay what he has done to me. He's been good to me and I have to be good to him. I gotta help him somehow, but.. I keep wondering how to help him out..

Uncle Big, I wish I can help you out of this trouble..

And Finally I Punched That Modem, Yeehaw!

Sudah lama banget yang namanya isu (bukan isu lagi sih tapi emang sering terjadi) koneksi lemot terjadi. Menghadapi yang satu ini juga udah pake ratusan cara dari mulai menunggu, berdoa, berharap, bersabar, sampe mencak-mencak, ngumpat, nyumpahin koneksi kacrut-kacrutan ini bahkan ngegebuk modem kaya kasur. Sekarang ini aja selagi Kazu bikin posting ini, entahlah koneksinya masih jalan di tempat aja kaya baris berbaris.

Pada umumnya modem itu punya 'torso' kaya gini (atau 'penampang' buat bahasa biologinya). Di bagian belakangnya ada banyak port buat ngeplug kabel-kabel. Di bagian depannya ada beberapa indikator kaya yang di gambar di atas.
Power biasanya ditandai pake LED warna merah. Sementara indikator lainnya menggunakan LED warna kuning. Di bagian kanan biasanya ada beberapa indikator yang letaknya berjejer berdekatan, yang mengindikasikan device mana aja yang tersambung dengan modem. Biasanya ngga cuman ada satu atau dua, tapi tiga empat bahkan 16. Itu menunjukkan bahwa indikator yang menyala itu adalah device yang lagi terhubung ke modemnya. Semakin banyak indikator yang nyala maka semakin banyak juga device yang terhubung.

Indikator lainnya ada di bagian kiri: ADSL, Alarm, dan Act.
ADSL itu indikator yang menunjukkan terhubungnya modem dengan line telepon atau ke koneksi lebih lanjut (biasanya ISP menghubungkannya ke kabel telepon yang kemudian sambungan telepon rumah dihubungkan ke serat optik bawah tanah). Kalau indikator ini nyala berarti modem pada saat dinyalakan udah terhubung ke line telepon.
Alarm itu indikator yang menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan sudah hampir mendekati batas (biasanya buat yang pake koneksi internet berkuota). Pada saat indikator alarm nyala, biasanya indikator lainnya pada mati kecuali indikator device yang terhubung.
Act adalah indikator terpenting lainnya, karena kalau indikator yang satu ini ga jalan otomatis kita ngga kehubung ke internet. Terhubung dengan line telepon ga berarti kita bisa langsung pake internet. Kaya ngeplug kabel telpon ke port line-telephone di laptop, selama kita belum akses dial-up connection maka ngga bisa kita pake internet. Act ini terkadang nyala, tapi ternyata internetnya ngga jalan. Kalo udah gini biasanya mendadak jadi lemot koneksinya, upload download kadang jadi gagal, dan buat ngeload satu situs membutuhkan waktu yang lamanya alaihim. Dan inilah yang dinamakan 'koneksi soblok'.

Terkadang walopun udah nyambung ke internet, tapi speednya ngga jalan juga. Atau bisa diliat di icon Local Area Network yang ada di taskbar. Double click buat liat info lebih lanjutnya. Nanti bisa diliat di bagian 'activity', berapa banyak byte yang masuk dan keluar (ditandai sama 'received' dan 'sent'). Kadang dua-duanya sama-sama nambah, tapi pelan-pelan. Entahlah, koneksi ini bikin aneh dan yang paling menjijikkan adalah saat Mozilla Firefox malahan dengan sukses ngeload situs gagal kaya ilustrasi diatas..

Kalo udah gitu, yang harus dilakukan ya.. berdoa, menunggu, berharap. Kalau udah ga sabar kaya Kazu ini.. ya terpaksa deh hasilnya jadi gini :

Ditonjok bukannya tobat malahan nyolot nih koneksi.. Ya Tuhan...

Drop of Fresh Morning Dew

Cloudy morning...

Chronicle of Waking Up In The Morning Earlier

Putting Big Ben in your bedroom might be such a great idea.
Or any better ideas than alarm clock and hot water spray?

Random Stuffs : Some Pieces