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Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Fantasy, Tom & Jerry, Allegro, Monstrous, and Hasty

A monstrous monster, so fabulous..

"Cuman di KTP doang kok.." Isn't A Good Sentence

Sore itu Kazu ke ruang keluarga di lantai 2 dan ngeliat ke arah TV. Si 'ceuceu' lagi nonton TV. Sore-sore gitu masih aja ada sinetron, entahlah TV jaman sekarang aneh-aneh aja (bukan TVnya, tapi acaranya). Penasaran sama apa yang ditonton, Kazu coba ngedeket.
 Acara apaan sih? Sinetron lagi ya?"
 Bukan, film gitu."
 Film apaan?"
 Ga tau. Tentang 'Islam KTP' gitu kalo judulnya sih."
Sedikit 'nyerempet' juga tuh judul film kalo ngeliat situasi human beings sekarang ini. Sadar ngga sadar, kita semua lagi diarahkan menuju paham sekularisme. Ngga peduli mau agamanya apa etnisnya apa, coba deh fikirkan lagi baik-baik. Terasa ngga sih semakin kesini, form 'Agama' yang ada di KTP secara ngga langsung cuman jadi atribut doang? Malahan bisa disebut atribut 'Alegori' karena Indonesia terdiri dari beragam ras dan agama.

Senakal-nakalnya Kazu, jujur Kazu terus mencoba buat melakukan apa yang Tuhan suruh dan kabur dari apa yang Tuhan larang (walaupun semua manusia pasti punya dosa atau kesalahan, baca: manusiawi). Terkadang Kazu ngerasa sangat sinful dan terus berharap bisa hapus semua dosa-dosa (walopun susah karena yang namanya dosa itu kaya papan tulis, dihapus terus ditulisin lagi). Menjauhi apa yang Tuhan larang juga susah. Dan Kazu sempet berfikir, "Ya Tuhan, apa saya pantes disebut hamba?". Dengerin lagu-lagu rohani ato ikut pupujian di mesjid Gumil tuh kayanya sama aja bohong kalo terus aja larangannya diterobos, mirip si Ko Shady yang sempet ngacir walopun traffic lights udah nunjukkin lampu merah.

Bukannya sok alim ato sok religius tiba-tiba karena Kazu sendiri sadar, yeah kadang bablas lah yang namanya ibadah (God, forgive me please). Kadang ngerasa sirik sama koko (baca: kaka) yang teguh pendirian (baca: istiqomah). Dia tuh bener-bener yang namanya ibadah ga boleh dilupain. Kalo kita jalan-jalan, pasti koko minta waktu sebentar kalo emang udah waktunya (ditandai dengan pendengaran super sensitif dia terhadap suara azan). Jadi Kazu bener-bener harus jadiin koko sebagai panutan (yeah I know, Ko Chis is kinda source of super annoyance). Kazu juga salut sama beberapa temen Kazu yang terbilang #bangorunited tapi ternyata pada rajin ibadah, yang umat Kristiani rajin ke gereja, yang umat Muslim pada jadi anak masjid. Walopun mereka itu pada bangor! Percaya ato ngga, naek motor kebut-kebutan, ada juga yang sangar, eh tapi ternyata hatinya hanya mereka serahkan sepenuhnya kepada pengabdian dan puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa semata! Gosh, memang yang namanya orang ga bisa dinilai dari luarnya doang!

(Hampir) setiap satnite, Kazu pergi ke kafe atau sekedar main ke mall. Kalau di kafe, yang namanya rokok ato alkohol udah biasa. Bukannya mau menjelek-jelekan atau gimana, tapi Kazu tahu bahwa di agama Islam yang namanya mengkonsumsi alkohol itu dilarang (hukumnya haram) tapi memang masih ada beberapa orang yang melanggarnya. Bukannya mau sok alim atau lagi-lagi merasa diri lebih baik, tapi kalau memang itu larangannya kenapa dilanggar? Cerita lain, ada yang menganggap agama itu kuno. Buat mereka, hidup ya hidup sementara agama itu urusan yang lain. Paham yang kaya gini disebut sekularisme. Buat mereka, selama jantung mereka masih deg-degan dan nafas mereka masih bisa hah-heh-hoh ya it's time for having fun as much as you can. Hidup mereka kayanya diisi sama yang namanya dapetin duit (cari uang), nikah, punya anak, menjalani kehidupan, having fun, makan, minum, duet eksresi dan sekresi, sampe akhirnya berujung dibawah batu nisan. Tapi ternyata, kalo diliat di KTP ternyata di form agama mereka tuh ada agamanya, bukan atheis ato animisme sampe dinamisme. Loh, kalo mereka punya Tuhan terus selama ini mereka anggap Tuhan mereka apa? Tiap dijalan lewat ke Masjid ato tempat ibadah lainnya dibablas aja, malahan mentok di Embassy ato Mansion. Sampe malem clubbing dan besok paginya ngelewatin kebaktian pagi. Pas diingetin cuman bilang 'oh' udah gitu lagi-lagi having fun, belanja di mall sampe belanjaannya bikin lift overload. Besoknya kerja terus udah dapet duit having fun lagi. Itu nyata dan memang ada orang yang seperti itu, dan Kazu tanpa maksud buat ngehina atau ngejelek-jelekin tapi memang begitulah kenyataannya. Tuhan tidak lagi menempati urutan pertama, coba bayangkan betapa sedihnya Tuhan kalo Tuhan itu introvert melankolis. Tapi Tuhan itu berkuasa penuh atas semuanya, dia ngga akan nangis tersedu-sedu apalagi sampe bikin notes curhatan di Facebook atau blog.

Jadi, kalau memang di KTP itu ada agamanya kenapa tidak dibuktikan? And I keep praying that Lord will always be with me, in my side and in my heart. Jangan sampai Kazu termasuk ke dalam golongan sekuler dan semoga Kazu selalu ingat sama keberadaan-Nya. Amin!

A Zero But Hero

Again, the story that I still remember well. A story that inspires me (may also inspire a lot number of people who have read it), a great inspiration about finding of self-esteem and self-confidence. A story that makes me believe that no matter what weaknesses on you, but there lies a magic spark (song: The Power of The Dream by Celine Dion).

The story tells about a man who lived in a small ville. He had a bad appearance physically. We could see something horrible about his face. Yep, his face and several parts of his body were extremely damaged that affected to the rest of his life. His face was so monstrous that I wouldn't explain about that for more. We might walk away, run, or scream when he passed us by in the street. But unlike us (if we were in that story), people living in that small ville liked him so much. Youngster, men, women, the oldies, they appreciated and respected him just like they respected each other. They didn't discriminate him as 'The Ugly Man' or 'Hell Boy'. That man lived his life like people used to live: work, eat, meet people in the street then say 'hi'. He lived an ordinary life, like the others did. He didn't marry for a secret reason they didn't know what. Children weren't afraid to play or meet him. Other men in the village talked with him and had coffee time in the evening. We might ask, "Why did they do that?" or "What did that man do so people weren't afraid of him?".

When that man was a young teenager, there was a firehouse and a baby within. The mother escaped first but she left the baby inside. No one dared to get in to the house and take the baby out of the fire, even the strong men just tried to extinguish the fire from the outside. That man with his bravery got in to the house and looked for the baby. He found the baby and quickly took the baby out of the fire. The situation got worse and the fire kept burning up. He ran through the fire and successfully brought the baby to his mother. The baby was safe, but that man was almost burnt to death. He was brought to the hospital and got examined there for a serious skin-damaged. And that was why he had his skin damaged almost all over his body.

He was well-known for his patriotic action that would be remembered for a long life-time. People would remember him as a man who sacrificed himself to save a baby out of the fire. He had a good life with respectful people around him. He might feel sad of his appearance, but he wouldn't regret it. He was proud of what he had done and that was enough for him. He didn't want to change his face anymore, that was enough.

A new lesson again taken from a story above. We might have got the wisdom before. Sometimes, you don't need to be as beautiful as your favorite actress or as handsome as your favorite actor to be famous or well-known by people. Handsome, beautiful, rich, muscular, sexy, or anything, and sometimes they're nothing. You don't need to build your body so then people will know you as Mister Muscle, or you don't need to have a super diet that will only hurt yourself at the end in making people know you as Miss Slender. Physical weakness won't be an obstacle if you believe. I do believe, deep inside people's heart there's always a feeling or passion of being famous somehow. No matter how quiet person you are or how introvert you are, sometimes you want them to know you (or at least become a famous person). And sometimes your weakness crashes your dream. But, watch TV shows nowadays and you're gonna find people who make their weaknesses as their advantages. Who says, people with physical weakness are slums? Ucok Baba is a famous presenter and actor who has physical disorder which makes him look child-alike (we can call it 'dwarfish'). He doesn't mention his 'dwarfishness', and what he mentions is to entertain people and become more confident day by day. Big is beautiful and it does matter for Miss Impian contestants. 'Fatty' isn't something for them and they're well known for their 'fatty-ness'. Most girls are worried about their weight, but they don't. They enjoy being fatty and just like, "Here we are with our fatty-ness. And no matter what they say, so what?". Remember Hee Ah-Lee, a four fingered Korean pianist who has 'Lobster Claw Syndrome'? For common thoughts, what can a four-fingered girl with knee-leg do for more than staying in her bedroom and enjoying a whole life there? All the thoughts are fading when you watch her concert. Honestly, playing classical repertoire for me isn't as easy as people can think or assume. Even the seniors practice hard to play expert pieces. So how about her? You may think that she won't do that but she plays Fantaisie Improptu with her four fingers! Note that: four fingers only! And what audience should do next is just standin tall, giving her a super great applause and shout it, "Outstanding!". God is fair, He never fails.

So, still grumbling about your weaknesses?