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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Comics and Rugby

Well, in fact I've never played rugby before. Yeah, I have never played it. When mom came back home from Adelaide, she brought me this rugby ball and how I found it as something surprising since I was never really into sports.

As time went by, I got so busy. There was always at least one assignment to do in every single night. Having no plenty time to play and read, I left my unread comics disarranged and the rugby ball in my bookshelf. Well, I gotta admit it, I have a messy bedroom. I let stuffs disorganized and sometimes my desk is covered with dust since I don't have time to clean it. My books are arranged randomly so sometimes you can still find Animonster among grammar and linguistic textbooks. 

One day when I was doing my assignment, I looked around my bedroom and saw a spot. It was a simply great spot that I quickly grabbed my camera and took pictures. Then I laughed at myself. Something messy could turn into something great. And this picture will show you how one untidy and dusty spot can turn into something simply wonderful and cute anyway :]