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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Life is about learning

When I log in to my DJMAX Technika account, I rarely check the DJ board. But one day, I checked it and saw a post from a friend of me. She complained her skill of DJMAX Technika. She said that she couldn't play well that she kept failing. She also stated that she often felt nervous whenever she saw someone who played better than her, or at least someone who had higher DJ level than her. She even said she kind of gave up playing DJMAX. 

So I replied her this: 

"Stop saying such things. There's no need to be sad. It doesn't matter whether you play it worse than someone or not, but the important thing is, that you've learnt something. Everytime you play Technika, that's the moment you practice your skill. When you play new songs, even though you fail but at least you learn new patterns of the song. The more you play, the more things you can learn and the better your skill will be. 

Have you ever wondered how the Big-5 ranks started the game? I bet you already know that they, of course, would not play it as well as today. They even started from the very beginning, the easiest level, the easiest song. Sometimes they failed, but they didn't give up. They kept trying their best until you can see them today. They already peak the Big-5 ranks, right? 

Don't feel nervous when you see someone who plays better than you or someone who has higher DJ level than you. Say that your DJ level is level 15 and you see someone whose DJ level is 19. Don't you think that he or she has ever been in the same level like yours? They will never reach level 19 without reaching level 15. Don't be afraid when someone looks down at you. Keep being humble and trying your best. Ignore them who look down at you. Play with no hesitation and be sportive. Failing doesn't mean that you're a loser. And I think that's how you should be as a professional DJMAX Technika player, regardless of your DJ level. 

So don't be sad. Chin up." 

Life is about learning something. Have you ever wondered how you operate the computer? Today, you operate it without any difficulties. Then look back at the time where you really did not know anything about how to operate the computer. You weren't used with the menus, keyboard, mouse, and programs. But you learnt how to operate the computer, even though you made some mistakes. You also learnt from mistakes you had done before. And now, you can operate it well. It's because you have learnt how to operate it. 

All you need to do is learning. Keep learning new things. That's how you understand the life.

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