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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sometimes Things Come So Suddenly

Well, you know sometimes bad things happen to us suddenly. So, I'm one of those people who cannot predict what will happen. Those who are given the ability to predict what will happen in the future, they're lucky somehow regardless of the negative side-effects. But I cannot. I can't predict what will happen so I might say that I can think about the anticipation when bad things come, but I'm not fully prepared. I still am not ready yet to face any bad things awaiting.

What lies ahead is such a secret. I never know what will happen next. This life is full of surprises. Something surprising or shocking comes suddenly. I never have a notification of something about to occur, but sometimes I have some signs. Signs do not always lead to the exact event. A sign might be a warning of something. Yes, probably that's how God gives you time to anticipate, or even prevent something bad to happen. Even though death is something undeniable, once you see sign of someone's death you can anticipate yourself not to get too downhearted.

You might have had a sequence of unfortunate events in your life. Bad things happened in such a sequence, playing like a monochrome, silence film. You wanted to scream but you were muted. The days felt like years since the sadness and sorrow fulfilled each single day. But you had never wished unfortunate events in your life, right? Because they come so suddenly and you cannot prepare yourself to cope with anything. Things come and probably make a big difference. Some things happen to change your life into something better, while the rest change your life into something monstrous, a nightmare that you never wish to have.

Screenshots: Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

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