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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Technika: Takes a Hiatus

Alright, so... Yeah, I have not played Technika for about two weeks, and I am going to continue taking a hiatus until I finish all my tasks and mid-tests. The decision of taking hiatus is not something I'd like to be sorry for. Yes, I decide it and I am not sad with my own decision. Actually there are some factors which led to the decision and one of the factors is my daily college activities. I might continue taking the hiatus for longer period, and I might really stop playing Technika at all (even though that is not the decision I would like to make).

So, hereby I, DJ Klaus, state that I'm taking a hiatus for an unpredictable period. I might play once, but that's only for creating crew race course. This is the official message from me. Thank you.

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