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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Eaten By Those Thoughts

I should have realized it and known it from the start but why did I ignore that?

Firstly, you might ignore this or think that this is kinda shit crapping the homepage. Whatever it will be, I don't care. I just write it. I didn't speak anything, my feelings did.

And hell well, I'm so glad to know you guys and yeah I can recognize you from the far (how could? does the sixth sense work on me?). Flashing back to where and when I told you that we were from different places, ideas, genres, or whatever it is. We could together make something new, better, we just could make it. Kinda break a leg. But seems like I'm being eaten by my thoughts, kinda damn hypocrite : "We're different. We won't make it."

I'm like this, and you guys are like that.

I cannot blame anyone for this. I'm just stuck here and soon I shall see that everything's gonna be alright. I've realized my position and I know that I'm just an oasis in the middle of the desert. You guys can come to me when you need, and I know that you'll keep walking to the place you're going to. I cannot wish you to stay, because I see something should be done by you guys or at least we're on different destinies. But when you need some water or fresh air, any hands to get you up from your down and shoulder to rely on, I could be that someone.

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